Starfleet division - Memory Alpha
Starfleet divisions were specialized organizational structures within Starfleet. In various editions of the Starfleet uniform, three main divisions (and the cadet division or crew support, in some issues) were identified by a departmental color, and sometimes a patch insignia.
Starfleet divisions - Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
The Federation Starfleet is divided into three departments based upon one's technical position within Starfleet. The departments are command, operations, and sciences. They are each denoted by Starfleet uniform piping, which are color coded.
Command division - Memory Alpha
The command division was the corps of officers and crewmen within Starfleet who specialized in command and control functions on starbases, aboard starships, and numerous Starfleet Command positions. Those in the command division were considered to be among Starfleet's supervisory personnel...
Starfleet Divisions - captainjoy.chunkyboy.com
Starfleet is made up of several divisions which contain one or more departments. Officers of each division can be identified by uniform color: Command-gold, Operations-red, and Sciences-blue.
Division | Star Trek Expanded Universe | Fandom
In the Federation Starfleet, there were three distinct divisions, each of which was a grouping of officers and crewmen sharing similar skillsets and occupations. Starfleet officers wore uniforms or insignia of varying colors that identified them as belonging to one division or another.
Divisions & Departments - USS Katherine Johnson
Starfleet divisions are specialized organizational structures within Starfleet. Over time many different forms of the Starfleet uniform represented the three main divisions: Command, Operations, Sciences. They are identified by a color code department color, and sometimes a patch or collar insignia.
Department (starship section) | Memory Alpha | Fandom
For the general concept of a department, please see Department. Aboard Federation starships, ship duties among the Starfleet crew were delegated to individual departments, each headed by a department head. (TOS: " Where No Man Has Gone Before ") These included science departments. (TOS: " Operation -- Annihilate!
Starfleet | Classic Star Trek Universe Wiki | Fandom
Starfleet command structure is divided into three core divisions: The Command division, uniform color gold, specialized in command and control functions on starships, starbases and at Starfleet Command.
Category:Starfleet divisions - Star Trek Expanded Universe
This category lists Starfleet operational divisions. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Starfleet Command: Divisions | Memory Omega Wiki | Fandom
Starfleet Operations; also known as Fleet Ops, is a Departmental Division located at Starfleet Command responsible for a wide variety of tasks. The position is generally held by a Flag Officer ranking of Rear Admiral or higher with a term of approximately 20-30 years per residing officer.