CGI | Memory Alpha | Fandom
CGI made its tentative entry into the motion picture industry in the 1970s, in movies like Futureworld, Star Wars, Alien, The Black Hole, and Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. In most cases, the CGI was limited, 3D wire-frame models , aptly used as computer displays.
CGI in Star Trek - Ex Astris Scientia
The very first CGI created for Star Trek, was in "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan", where the Graphics Group of Lucasfilm was responsible for the Genesis effect as a subcontractor of the movie's effects company, Industrial Light & Magic (ILM).
"Star Trek II" Includes the First Completely Computer-Generated (CGI ...
in 1982 George Lucas's Industrial Light and Magic (ILM), San Rafael, California, created the first completely computer-generated cinematic image (CGI) sequence in a feature film in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The sequence lasted sixty seconds.
10 Best Uses Of Special Effects In Star Trek - WhatCulture
4 days ago · The opening credits sequence for Star Trek: Voyager was designed by veteran Trek alum Dan Curry and realised by a large team that included David Stipes, Ron B. Moore, Image G, and The Post Group ...
Timeline of computer animation in film and television
This would have been the first feature-length CGI film, but it was never completed. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: ILM computer graphics division develops "Genesis Effect", the first use of a fractal-generated landscape in a film. [26] Bill Reeves leads the Genesis Effect programming team, and creates a new graphics technique called "Particle ...
What was the first 3D CGI used in Star Trek? - Science Fiction ...
Mar 21, 2018 · We know there was extensive 3D CGI used in DS9 (Odo) and Voyager (USS Voyager). But what is the earliest use in TNG or any of the TOS movies?
Star Trek: Visual and Special Effects Through the Years
Jul 5, 2024 · The reboot of the Star Trek franchise with the 2009 film directed by J.J. Abrams introduced a new era of visual effects, blending practical effects with state-of-the-art CGI to create a visually stunning and action-packed cinematic experience.
Star Trek's early CGI - The Trek Collective
Oct 14, 2014 · The videos below are extracts from a 1987 Open University documentary on computer aided design, which used the earliest examples of CGI in Star Trek, and indeed in cinema history, to examine the use of computer design.
r/movies on Reddit: The "Genesis sequence" from 'Star Trek II: …
Jan 4, 2016 · This was a groundbreaking film - it was the first film to feature the extensive use of CGI -- most importantly, the integrated use of photo-realistic, computer-generated (CGI) models for all Gunstar vehicles or spaceships, or planet shots, rather than more traditional miniature models (as in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) or Star Wars (1977)).
CGI in TNG - The Trek BBS
Dec 4, 2023 · In the 1980s CGI in movies was exotic expensive and rare. I remember watching in awe TRON, Last Starfighter, that movie with Emilio Esteves and some tv commercials. Star Trek II had the Genesis sequence made and they reused that as much as they could and it was also awesome Then came TNG.