Saucer separation | Memory Alpha - Fandom
Saucer separation, or starship separation, was an emergency or tactical maneuver performed by some Federation starships involving the complete disconnection of the primary hull and the secondary hull. USS Prometheus entering multi-vector assault mode.
Every Enterprise Saucer Separation In TNG - Screen Rant
Mar 3, 2023 · The USS Enterprise-D's saucer separation was used sparingly in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Here's every time the Enterprise split in two.
Saucer separation - Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Saucer separation was an emergency procedure which could be performed by some types of Federation starships, and involves the complete disconnection of the primary and secondary hulls. The procedure began to be incorporated into starship classes in the 23rd century, including the...
Saucer separation. How does it work exactly? - The Trek BBS
Apr 24, 2021 · In TOS, saucer separation was considered a last-ditch, irreversible emergency measure (and only vaguely alluded to once in "The Apple"), whereas the Enterprise-D was designed to be able to separate and recombine repeatedly (which is why the ability was showcased in the first half-hour of the pilot). The circumstances are quite different.
Could the original or other Enterprises' saucers separate?
Aug 25, 2011 · In a recent IDW Star Trek comic I, Enterprise PtII, we learn that not only can the saucer section of the (Kelvin) Enterprise be separated but that it can also be reattached if the separation sequence hasn't yet been completed.
star trek - Which starships can undo a separation without outside ...
Sep 22, 2017 · Saucer separation with the Constitution class would require a starbase to reintegrate the pieces. No word on any ships in the intervening time period. Also, it is assumed that the Enterprise-E has the capability as well.
Saucer separation - wikibin.org
saucer section entering a planet's atmosphere in Star Trek Generations]]In the Star Trek fictional universe, saucer separation is used to describe the procedure whereby the saucer section of certain Starfleet starship types disengages from the stardrive section.
Star Trek 101: Ship Separation as Seen on TNG
Today, we examine ship separation as seen in TNG. The Enterprise is made up of two sections: a saucer module on the top, and the engineering section on the bottom. The saucer houses the living quarters and can, in emergencies, be separated from the lower section, making it an honest-to-goodness flying saucer.
Proof that TOS Enterprise could undergo saucer separation…
Sep 21, 2019 · In the saucer separation pic, you can see a dark round hole aft of the stack, either for a mounting rod or for a wire trunk of some sort. Not an in-universe feature, of course - unless we decide it is!
Saucer separation? : r/startrek - Reddit
Nov 29, 2020 · I'm currently watching through next gen and in season 3 episode 21 there is mention of the enterprise performing a "saucer seperation" and I was excited to see what would happen but the circumstances obviously mellowed out and it …