In 1976, the week was expanded to Black History Month. In Dred Scott v. Sanford, U.S. Supreme Court declares all territories open to slavery. U.S. Supreme Court rules in Plessy v. Ferguson that “separate but equal” is constitutional.
In teaching during Black History Month, balance the positive exploration of culture and history with the important but sometimes difficult learning about the struggles of Black people in history.
Print Off These Black History Month Worksheets - ThoughtCo
Dec 27, 2018 · Black History Month, also known as National African American Month, has been recognized by all U.S. Presidents since 1976. Canada also recognizes Black History Month each February, while countries such as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands celebrate in October.
Black History Month, which takes place in February, was created as a response to a lack of coverage of Black historical figures in American history. Carter G. Woodson noticed this trend in the education system in the early 1900’s when he was earning his Masters and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Chicago and Harvard, respectively.
of Black history," who first set out in 1926 to. designate a time to promote and educate people. about Black history and culture. Woodson. envisioned a weeklong celebration to encourage the. coordinated teaching of Black history in public. schools. He designated the second week of February. as Negro History Week and galvanized fellow
Civil War (1861–65) with the purpose of providing black youths — who were largely prevented, due to racial discrimination, from attending established colleges and universities — with a basic education and training to become teachers or tradesmen.
Black History Month is a time to remember and celebrate people and events from the past. However, there are many African Americans who are making important contributions today. Think about those who are making an impact on today’s world. They are the people we will be celebrating during Black History Months to come. CELEBRATE BLACK HISTORY MONTH
to include the entire month, and it became known as Black History Month, also called African American History Month. The month of February was chosen since it contains the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas. Lincoln is honored because of the Emancipation Proclamation (see page 16) that
Black History Month. 1) _____ A person who publicly supports or recommends a. particular cause; to publicly recommend or support. Name: _____ civil rights. advocate. abolition. segregation. discrimination. injustice. emancipation. vote. 2) _____ The fact or process of being set free from legal,
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Free, printable worksheets to learn about Black History Month. Over 1,500 ELA worksheet lesson activities. For class or home use. Click to get started.