What Was the Original Sin? - JW.ORG
He was simply foretelling a sad consequence of sin. God expects a man to love and honor his wife and to show deep respect for women in general.—Ephesians 5:25; 1 Peter 3:7. Misconception: The original sin was sexual intercourse. Fact: The original sin could not have been sexual intercourse for the following reasons:
What Does the Bible Say About Sin? - JW.ORG
The Bible also makes a distinction between a single sin and a practice of sin over an extended period. (1 John 3: 4-8) Those who “practice sin willfully,” even after learning how to do what is right, receive God’s adverse judgment. —Hebrews 10:26, 27. Those guilty of serious sin can feel overwhelmed by the weight of their mistakes. For ...
The Virgin Mary —What Does the Bible Say About Her? - JW.ORG
But Mary was, by a unique GRACE, preserved from ever contracting original sin.” c By contrast, nowhere does the Bible teach that Mary was free from original sin. ( Psalm 51:5; Romans 5: 12 ) In fact, Mary gave evidence that she was sinful when she presented the sin-atoning sacrifice that the Mosaic Law required of mothers.
Jehovah’s Forgiveness —Why We Appreciate It | Watchtower Study
The word “sin” in the Bible can refer to several things: first, the original sin, or transgression, that Adam committed against Jehovah God. —Gen. 3:17-19; Rom. 5:14, 17. second, the imperfect inclination that has been passed down to each one of us because of Adam’s sin. —Ps. 51:5.
What Was God’s Original Purpose for Man? - JW.ORG
After Adam and Eve sinned, they could no longer pass on perfection and the prospect of everlasting life to their offspring. Thus, they brought sin and death into the world. Contrary to God’s original purpose, we all die because of sin. But what is sin?
What Is the Unforgivable Sin? | Bible Questions
God can forgive even repeated relapses into the same sin as long as your heart has not permanently hardened against him. —Isaiah 1:18. Some people feel that they may have committed an unforgivable sin because they are troubled by nagging feelings of guilt. However, the Bible teaches that we cannot always trust our feelings.
El nombre de Dios en las Escrituras Griegas Cristianas | TNM
Sin embargo, muchos dicen que no aparecía en el texto original de las Escrituras Griegas Cristianas. Por eso, la mayoría de las versiones bíblicas actuales no incluyen el nombre Jehová en esa sección de la Biblia, llamada también Nuevo Testamento.
El nombre de Dios... su significado y pronunciación - JW.ORG
Sin embargo, cuando los relatos de la vida de Jesús fueron escritos en griego, los escritores inspirados no trataron de conservar aquella pronunciación hebrea original. Más bien, vertieron el nombre en griego: Iesóus. Hoy se vierte de diferentes maneras …
Jah - JW.ORG
La mayoría de las Biblias se limitan a transcribir esta expresión griega y no la traducen; sin embargo, en la Traducción del Nuevo Mundo leemos: “¡Alaben a Jah!”. “Jah” no puede ser una forma primitiva del nombre divino que se usara antes del Tetragrámaton. El nombre Jehová aparece en su forma completa, 165 veces en el libro de ...
¿Por qué publicamos la Traducción del Nuevo Mundo - JW.ORG
Sin embargo, la mayoría de las versiones de la Biblia no usan el nombre divino, Jehová. Se necesitaba una Biblia que le diera honra a su Autor ( 2 Samuel 23:2 ). En la Traducción del Nuevo Mundo, se ha vuelto a poner el nombre de Jehová en los casi siete mil pasajes donde aparece en los manuscritos más antiguos, como se muestra en la ...