To mark Commonwealth Day 2025, ’The King’s Music Room’, a new collaboration with Apple Music, is a celebration of music from ...
On the second Sunday of each November, The King leads the nation in remembering those who have died in world wars and other conflicts. In a ceremony at the Cenotaph, the focal point of the nation's ...
There are close ties between the Monarchy and the UK monetary system. These can be seen, for example, in the title of the 'Royal Mint' and the representation of the monarch on all circulating British ...
The Great Seal of the Realm is the chief seal of the Crown, used to show the monarch's approval of important State documents. In today's constitutional monarchy, the Sovereign acts on the advice of ...
Yeomen Warders are the colourfully-dressed bodyguards on duty at the Tower of London. One of their main ceremonial functions is the daily Ceremony of the Keys. In this ceremony the gates of the Tower ...
The Act of Settlement of 1701 was designed to secure the Protestant succession to the throne, and to strengthen the guarantees for ensuring a parliamentary system of government. The Act also ...
The Royal Standard represents the Sovereign and the United Kingdom. The Royal Standard is flown when The King is in residence in one of the Royal Palaces, on The King's car on official journeys and on ...
Until the middle of the nineteenth century the Sovereign regularly travelled on the river Thames, either on State occasions or between the Royal Palaces of Windsor, Westminster, Hampton Court, ...
This page details the Royal Household's annual financial statement, the Sovereign Grant Report, for the financial year 2023-24. The Royal Household today published its annual financial statement, the ...
Dressed in their distinctive Tudor uniforms of red, white and yellow, The Queen's Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard has a ceremonial role in many Royal events. Yeomen of the Guard take part in the ...
As the newly announced Patron of Mothers' Union, The Duchess of Edinburgh has paid a visit to one of the charity's projects ...