Financial Secretary Paul Chan will depart on September 22 for Europe, where he will visit Madrid and London, before returning ...
Chief Executive John Lee, leading a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region delegation, attends the 27th Beijing Hong Kong ...
Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau and Minister of Industry & Commerce of Laos Malaithong Kommasith ...
Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung chairs an interdepartmental meeting to follow up on the preparation work ...
National Day Fireworks Display co-ordinated by the Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau, will light up Victoria Harbour at 9pm on ...
The Civil Service College launches a new thematic study programme on modern Chinese history under the 75th anniversary of the ...
The total number of reported drug abusers in the first half of 2024 decreased 8% from the same period in 2023 to 3,025, the ...
為慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年,勞工處和職業安全健康局今日在荃灣愉景新城舉行「全民動樂迎國慶 千人齊做伸展操」活動,750名參加者刷新最多人同時做拉力帶伸展操的健力士世界紀錄。
京港洽談會今、明兩日在北京中關村國際創新中心舉行,共約800人參與。洽談會以「優勢互補 共創繁榮」為主題,不但舉行15場專題推介及參觀考察等活動,更首次增設投資香港推介大會,圍繞香港獨特優勢、營商環境、服務京港兩地企業合作措施等進行主旨演講和推介。