We acknowledge that human beings are part of the natural world and we respect the specific values of all forms of life, including non-human species. We acknowledge the wisdom of the indigenous peoples ...
Four years ago, on September 23, 2020, the federal government made a bold promise to introduce a “new Canadian Disability Benefit modelled after the Guaranteed Income Supplement.” This program was ...
OTTAWA - Le Parti vert du Canada entame la nouvelle session parlementaire avec un programme solide et ciblé pour aborder les principaux enjeux nationaux, de la justice environnementale à ...
OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada is entering the upcoming parliamentary session with a strong, focused agenda to address key national issues, from environmental justice to housing affordability. The ...
OTTAWA - Yesterday, both the federal and BC NDP abandoned even their hypocrisy on climate. The No-Discernible-Principles Party has reminded BC voters that it was the BC NDP who coined the slogan "Axe ...
OTTAWA - Hier, le NPD fédéral et son homologue provincial de la Colombie-Britannique ont dévoilé leur vrai visage en matière de climat. Le Parti sans principes a rappelé aux électeurs de la ...
Green Parties around the world share common values. Our policies are based on six fundamental principles. Discover them: ...
OKA – Green Party of Canada Deputy Leader Rainbow Eyes attended a solidarity event in Oka on September 8, 2024, in support of the Kanesatake Mohawks and Land Defenders. The event, organized by a ...
OKA – La chef adjointe du Parti vert du Canada, Rainbow Eyes, a participé à un événement de solidarité à Oka le 8 septembre 2024 en soutien aux Mohawks de Kanesatake et aux défenseurs de la terre.
WINNIPEG - Le Parti vert du Canada (PVC) est solidaire du syndicat des Teamsters et partage ses préoccupations concernant la récente décision du Conseil canadien des relations industrielles (CCRI) ...
WINNIPEG - The Green Party of Canada (GPC) stands in solidarity with the Teamsters union, echoing their concerns regarding the recent decision by the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to order ...