Forced industrialisation and displacement from villages to cities: Denmark's policy marginalised Inuit culture, and now ...
Migration was the hot topic of 2024. It may very well remain so in 2025. We are at a decisive juncture: what will be the ...
From climate change to vaccines to democracy, AI can be a powerful tool to spread fake news about the main issues at stake ...
At the COP29, wealthy nations agreed shore up $300 billion per year by 2035 to fight climate change. But the sum requested ...
Reporterre: How do you account for Donald Trump’s victory? Naomi Klein: The right is reaching out to the working classes more easily than the left or the liberals. This should be a real wake-up call.
Everyone seems to have lost faith. On Sunday 24 November, COP29, held this year in Baku (Azerbaijan), came to a close with a hard-fought agreement that is already attracting widespread criticism. For ...
Migration war Topthema 2024. Das kann auch 2025 so bleiben. Wie wird die Migrationspolitik Europas von morgen aussehen?
En Géorgie, le camp pro-européen est à nouveau dans la rue pour protester contre le régime du parti Rêve géorgien.
Le nazioni ricche stanzieranno 300 miliardi di dollari all’anno entro il 2035 per combattere il cambiamento climatico.
Industrialisation forcée et exode vers les villes : la colonisation politique et industrielle par le Danemark a entraîné la ...