Das Ministerkomitee überwacht die Umsetzung der Urteile auf der Grundlage von Informationen, die von innerstaatlichen ...
Today, the Central Election Commission (CEC) has reached a significant milestone in reinforcing its cybersecurity. The CEC Secretariat’s IT team has successfully completed a year-long series of ...
Certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe are subject to a three-year regular evaluation, as provided for in Council of Europe Committee of Ministers Resolution CM/Res (2013)67, Article IV, 3 ...
Le programme conjoint Union européenne-Conseil de l'Europe ROMACTED II a tenu sa dernière réunion du groupe consultatif le 28 ...
The Advisory Committee is the independent expert committee responsible for evaluating the implementation of the Framework Convention in state parties and advising the Committee of Ministers. The ...
This Action is implemented in the framework of the Horizontal Facility III (2023 - 2026), a co-operation initiative of the European Union and Council of Europe for the Western Balkans and Türkiye. The ...