Student loan debt is an enormous concern in this country. In total, American student loan debt, public and private, stands at ...
Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology, a private two-year college in Boston, offers an 800-hour certificate program in HVAC and refrigeration. President and CEO Aisha Francis said she’d ...
The College Board found that Americans are taking out fewer student loans and are earning more grants, showing a shift in ...
Seunghee Kim, Karrie Weber and Hyun-Seob Song received a five-year, $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation to ...
Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology, a private two-year college in Boston, offers an 800-hour certificate program in HVAC and refrigeration. President and CEO Aisha Francis said she’d l ...
The College Cost Reduction Act is predicted to reduce the government deficit by $250 to $280 billion over a decade.
Despite how high student loan debt has gotten in the United States, billions of dollars in Pell Grants still went unclaimed ...
Taken altogether, this might appear as a setback to those of us — including The Investment Diversity Exchange (TIDE) — who ...
Students and financial aid advisers say they’re feeling optimistic this time around now that the new 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is open.