There are many ways you can get help paying for college, and a federal Pell Grant plus the W&M Pell Grant Guarantee are available to qualifying families with limited income. This grant does not need ...
The best part? The Boiler Gold Grant covers tuition, fees and books. How does it work? We subtract the total amount of any gift aid (e.g., Pell Grants, scholarships, or awards) from the total cost of ...
Of all the various forms of financial aid available for college, few are more popular than the Pell Grant. That’s because, ...
For the first time in nearly three decades, people incarcerated nationwide will have expanded access to the federal Pell Grant on July 1 to help pay for the cost of college education programs. “From a ...
The U.S. Education Department ran two pilot programs between 2012 and 2017; one gave income-eligible students with a bachelor’s degree access to Pell funding for short occupational training programs ...
The FAFSA Simplification Act, part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, will expand eligibility for the federal Pell Grant to include incarcerated students. These students will be able ...