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Symbol Description Canadian trademark number WIPO registration number The Government of Canada signature combines the flag symbol and title “Government of Canada” in both official languages. Flag ...
A western Queensland man accused of flying a Nazi flag at his residence has been charged with displaying a prohibited symbol. Detectives from the Longreach Criminal Investigation Branch charged ...
One of the major mysteries in Yellowjackets, over the two seasons that the series has aired, is the symbol. It seems to depict an impaled human figure (probably female), with a hook at the bottom.
LGBTIQ terminology. Grand Rapids Pride Center. Omnisexual pride flag. Youth Engaged 4 Change. Being an ally to LGBT people. What Does It Mean To Be Bisexual? What Does It Mean To Be Polysexual?
A gesture associated with the Nazis has a surprising history. But in Germany, there was little doubt about its meaning. A gesture associated with the Nazis has a surprising history. But in Germany ...
The U.S. State Department has adopted a new policy under the Trump administration that effectively blocks U.S. embassies and outposts from flying Pride and Black Lives Matter flags, a report said ...