More than 1 million acres of federal land in central and southern Oregon could soon be leased for solar energy projects.
The Bureau of Land Management has been understaffed and underfunded for years. It's finally getting a foundation to help ...
The Utah State Legislature is filing an amicus brief supporting a public lands lawsuit against the federal government, but not all Utah leaders are on board.
The federal government released its updated plan to develop swaths of Western land for solar development, which could open up ...
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is in the early stages of planning to determine new wind energy areas for the Central ...
A vast and storied stretch of desert land from the eastern Coachella Valley to the Colorado River could soon receive critical protection as a national monument.
Since she began studying mechanical engineering as an undergraduate at Stanford University, Ufuoma Ovienmhada had little ...
Templeton’s family has been ranching in the West End for more than 100 years. He worries that a national monument could bring ...
How will the rest of the city’s American Rescue Plan Act money be spent? It’s a big question. And it remains unanswered.
Utah has launched a national public information campaign promoting its landmark public lands lawsuit filed with the U.S.