In “Planet of the Dead,” a modern era Doctor Who episode many forget about, the Tenth Doctor meets Christina de Souza.
Although the Tenth Doctor witnessed much of his timeline in a traditionally linear way, there are exceptions. Plus, for viewers, it can be easy to lose track of where Ten has been and where he's ...
When the base personnel's suspicions are roused, the Doctor informs them that the space capsule is being affected by the gravitational pull of another planet — a tenth planet in the Solar system.
But the mysterious planet holds terrifying secrets, hidden in the sand. And time is running out, as the deadly Swarm gets closer... Meet the new Doctor! See the Doctor regenerate! ...of the Tenth ...
If there's danger, he's the man who's going to save your life - and everyone on your planet. Got a problem with that? Everything about the latest epic! See the Doctor regenerate! ...of the Tenth ...
The 2022 special "The Power of the Doctor" surprised fans by having Whittaker regenerate into Tennant, who played the Tenth Doctor from 2005 through 2010, instead of Gatwa. This incarnation has ...
‘Wearing a bit thin…’ brings to mind the words of the First Doctor. In The Tenth Planet he commented, ‘…this old body of mine is wearing a bit thin…’ moments before regenerating for ...
The Tenth Planet is the First Doctor’s farewell adventure, although the character would make two further appearances in The Three Doctors and The Five Doctors. Having decided that the series ...