If you're in college, money is likely tight. You can generally file your taxes for free if you have a straightforward return. Taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes of $84,000 or less can prepare and ...
Despite Trump’s plans, federal funding is a small part of California’s education budget and the state oversees curriculum.
Golden View Elementary School in Huntington Beach held its annual environmental science showcase event on Thursday, featuring hands-on exhibits, items from the school’s thriving garden and farm animal ...
The new school will serve up to 1,600 students. Aside from classrooms, spaces for performing arts and outdoor learning are ...
The final plan, which was never proposed or discussed in a public forum before Friday night’s 5-1 board vote, means no high ...
Santa Rosa school trustees voted to close three elementary schools but reached an impasse on middle and high school closures, ...
AccessiBe used data from the National Center for Education Statistics to explore enrollment of students with disabilities in ...
A state Superior Court judge in Los Angeles County has ruled in a lawsuit that part-time professors in the Long Beach Community College District should be paid for work they do outside the classroom ...
Public school district enrollment has dropped in Santa Cruz County, mirroring statewide trends. The decreases pose challenges for districts.