If you’ve got an old mouse sitting around that has that perfect retro look why not start using it again? We’d bet there’s just enough room in there to turn the input device wireless.
The latest USB-C rechargeable wireless mouse in the Apple family has never been priced lower than it is right now.
If you are determined to get an Apple Magic Mouse to work on your Windows computer, know that there are workarounds, but the ...
Apple has partnered with Corsair for its first gaming keyboard and mouse that might make you feel like a real gamer on ...
Corsair has announced an updated version of the K65 Plus wireless keyboard it debuted earlier this year that’s now compatible ...
Corsair has partnered with Apple to release new custom versions of its award winning K65 PLUS WIRELESS keyboard and M75 ...
For nearly a decade, the port has been nestling on the bottom of the mouse, underneath the sensor and the Apple Logo, a wildly inconvenient place for a wireless mouse that you might need to ...
All told, this Macally mouse gets me through the basics, and it beats spending nearly $100 on a new, wireless-only Apple Magic Mouse that I would have to worry about recharging. While I'm loving ...
For nearly a decade, the port has been nestling on the bottom of the mouse, underneath the sensor and the Apple Logo, a wildly inconvenient place for a wireless mouse that you might need to ...
It doesn't reinvent the (mouse) wheel, but it's sure to impress those in the market for a travel-ready wireless clicker, and it is fully compatible with Apple devices. You get quiet operation ...