After uranium ore was transferred across the Navajo Nation in July with little warning, tribal leaders started looking for ...
Members of several Native tribes will travel to Washington, D.C. in an attempt to get lawmakers to revive a program aimed at ...
For college students across America, cultural bias is a major issue. Put simply, cultural bias is when an individual or group is judged based on ...
The Navajo Nation is mobilizing for the reauthorization of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, highlighting the impact ...
The Navajo Nation has first rights to the water around it, yet pays the most and gets the least. Things might be changing.
Bertha Nez grew up herding sheep on pristine lands not yet touched by the uranium boom. Nez was born in a hogan in 1946, near ...
Guest Opinion. The Navajo Nation, its workers and families, have carried the heavy burden of uranium mining’s toxic legacy ...
That was nearly 40 years ago, and now that same mine is finally operational. But Tilousi and the Havasupai are continuing the ...
Carletta Tilousi was a young girl when she first heard about possible uranium mining near her home of Supai. Deep within the ...
Welcome to the Beehive Archive — your weekly bite-sized look at some of the most pivotal — and peculiar — events in Utah ...
Survivors of nuclear testing and uranium mines are ramping up pressure on Congress to reauthorize a federal compensation ...
Members of the Navajo Nation will rally at the U.S. Capitol next week to urge Congress to reauthorize a program that ...