According to the election poll, which was administered by SurveyUSA, 37% of those queried said that if they were filling out ...
Mayor Todd Gloria has held the seat over the past four years, and he previously served as a member of the California State ...
Mayor Todd Gloria faced-off against his re-election challenger, independent police officer Larry Turner, in a recorded debate ...
Mayor Todd Gloria made his case for four more years, while the police officer challenging him for re-election questioned the ...
Mayor Todd Gloria has held the seat over the past four years, and he previously served as a member of the California State ...
El aumento en el apoyo a Larry Turner se produce a medida que los votantes se familiarizan más con el exoficial de policía.
The rise in support for Larry Turner comes as voters have become more familiar with the former police officer and registered ...
A new 10News-San Diego Union-Tribune poll shows a fairly tight race between San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria and Larry Turner, who ...
San Diego faces a ticking time bomb as it struggles to find replacements for more than 700 shelter beds that will disappear ...
Mayor Todd Gloria argued he needed four more years to finish solving the problems he inherited and his opponent Larry Turner ...
Torrents of political cash to support passage of the sales tax measure backed by San Diego mayor Todd Gloria and his fellow ...
According to a stipulation posted on the commission’s website, the committee controlled by Turner distributed thousands of ...