Hands on in the field and behind the scenes, we’ve worked to protect and support the recovery of the pygmy hippo found in the threatened Upper Guinea forest hotspot of West Africa. Logging, mining and ...
This guest blog was written by Miles Kempton, Visiting Scholar in ZSL’s Library and Archives. Read part 1. Among the scientific job vacancies listed in British broadsheets and the journal Nature in ...
Life can be difficult for rural communities living on the edge of protected areas in Kenya and Nepal. Limited income generating opportunities and daily threats from wildlife results in poor financial ...
ZSL is delighted by today’s news that the government has pledged to end badger culling by 2029. This change in approach has been informed by research led by ZSL’s Professor Rosie Woodroffe, who has ...
Nine extinct in the wild sihek – also known as Guam kingfishers - have made an historic flight to their new island home in the Pacific Ocean, ahead of a planned release where they will become the ...
Scoring companies on their commitments to and reporting of sustainable and ethical practices, the assessments found that companies scored on average 24.1%, a decline from 37.1% in 2017 when the ...
What skills do you need to be a wildlife vet? During the three-week IWAH course, participants take part in practical sessions covering ecological survey techniques (such as sign surveys, camera traps, ...
Making a difference for wildlife. At ZSL, we are proud of the work we do. To give you an insight into the work our conservationists, scientists, and volunteers achieve on a daily, weekly and monthly ...
The Living Planet Index (LPI) data tells us how species are faring, by measuring trends in monitored populations of vertebrate species. It is not a census of all wildlife, but reports the average ...
We are a community of internationally recognised researchers and students working in conservation science. The Institute of Zoology sits within the Science Directorate of ZSL.
If you have a query about your membership, please use the link below to get in touch with our Supporter Contact Team. ZSL MEMBER? CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US VIA EMAIL Alternatively, you can call us on ...
As a charity, we need your help to ensure a future for endangered wildlife. A gift to ZSL in your Will is one of the most powerful ways that you can support our natural world. Every gift, no matter ...