Watersheds are areas delimited by a main river and its tributaries that flow into the same watercourse. They are important units to consider when integrating water resources management and ...
Many endangered cetacean species and populations occur in rivers or coastal habitats that are used intensively by people for fishing and other forms of livelihood. In such situations there are often .
The report provides a global overview of the challenges facing indigenous peoples, and presents five case studies from Australia, Cambodia, Guinea, India and Suriname. The case studies reveal that ...
La faune sauvage peut menacer la sécurité et les moyens de subsistance des personnes, ce qui peut conduire à des conflits entre groupes de personnes sur la manière de résoudre la situation ; les ...
The main film — Nature Stewardship Beyond Protected Areas: Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures — features the experiences of a diverse group of South Africans as they explore the ...
The book aims to address the lack of information on the experiences of others by providing a comparative analysis of national access and benefit-sharing laws and policies in the 41 Pacific Rim ...
Conflict and conservation focuses on armed conflict and nature. The theme is highly timely as armed conflicts cause great economic and social harm, as well as environmental damage around the world.
Drylands are ecosystems, such as rangelands, grasslands and woodlands, which occupy over 40% of the terrestrial surface, and are characterised by high temporal and spatial rainfall variability.
Across societies the impacts of climate change affect women and men differently. Women are often responsible for gathering and producing food, collecting water and sourcing fuel for heating and ...
Small mammals are routinely overlooked in favour of larger charismatic mammals. They have, in general, been under-studied and under-represented in terms of both conservation funding and actions. This ...
IMPORTANT: The following Declaration must be completed and signed by all bidders and must be submitted as part of the Proposal: ...
Without active intervention and management, Marine turtle populations are expected to continue their decline to extinction. This strategy covering nine individual strategies ranging from research and ...