Välkommen till en kväll med filmvisningar och samtal på Wieselgrensplatsen 17, där vi undersöker Göteborgs framväxt genom film och hur film ständigt har omformat bilden av staden. Göteborg har alltid ...
Join us for an evening of screenings and discussions at Wieselgrensplatsen 17, exploring how film has shaped the image of Gothenburg over time. Watch archival films from the past 90 years, discover ...
Funderar du på att studera i sommar? Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion och Institutionen för språk och litteraturer erbjuder fem olika kurser. Samtliga kurser ges på distans. Låt ...
Hem Aktuellt Hitta evenemang Ingun Ståhl - Optimization of 177Lu-octreotate therapy – exploring strategies to reduce effects on normal tissue ...
This course offers an introduction to the field of global gender studies, focusing on the different "waves" of feminism and gender studies. What defines each wave's perspective on sex, gender, and ...
This course focuses on how various issues in global politics are related to sex and gender. We explore the complexity and connections between these issues, both locally and globally, and in everyday ...
This course package will give you an in-depth understanding of how sex and gender affect both social structures and global politics. By combining theory and current debates, you will gain the tools to ...
Välkommen till vår workshop på Humanisten som är en del av Nordiskt Sommaruniversitets program. Temat för dagen är Expertise and politics in climate change knowledge.
Welcome to our workshop at Humanisten, which is part of the Nordic Summer University program. The theme for the day is Expertise and politics in climate change knowledge. No advance registration is ...
Are you passionate about working towards a more equal and more sustainable world? By choosing the course package Global Studies you will gain an in-depth understanding of how planetary challenges ...
Genom att synliggöra tillgången till forskningsinfrastrukturer inom life science i Göteborgsregionen kan vi öka samverkan och nyttjandet av befintliga forskningsinfrastrukturer inom akademi, hälso- ...
Offered by the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, Theory of Science at the Faculty of Humanities The University's study counsellors can help you if you have a question about a course or programme.