Today in the English news. EU Council conclusions in Brussels, renewal of support for Ukraine by 26 of 27 countries: all ...
Ahead of the Spring Days of FAI, the Italian Environmental Fund, let's check out one of the places that will be open to the ...
European Council kicks off in Brussels. Armament plan, Ukraine, EU control of financial markets on the agenda. The situation ...
The Pope's condition that registers a steady slight improvement, the words of President Ursula Von der Leyen 100 days before ...
Bad weather alert in central Italy: worrying situation especially in Emilia Romagna and Tuscany due to the Arno river ...
Today in our news in English: the Pope's letter to the Corriere della sera, in which he states that it is necessary to ...
The Council of Foreign Ministers in Brussels. Italy very cautious about extraordinary funds for Ukraine and very firm in its ...
The earthquake that woke up the entire population of the Phlegraean Fields last night. A lot of fear in the people who have had to live with constant tremors for months. Protests over the absence of ...
Preoccupazione dell'Unifil la Forza di Interposizione Onu in Libano per una nuova escalation, mentre secondo fonti libanesi ...
"I servizi di emergenza sono stati inviati nel quartiere di Podil dopo che i droni hanno colpito due grattacieli e hanno ...
Sul fronte diplomatico a sorpresa è arrivata l'ipotesi, rilanciata dai media tedeschi, di una partecipazione della Cina al ...
Mosca si prepara ai colloqui di Riad di lunedì con gli americani "con spirito costruttivo e combattivo" e dice di aspettarsi ...