Now, in the group’s internal chats on the Telegram messaging app, NewsChannel 5 Investigates has uncovered new videos and ...
A teenage neo-Nazi and self-proclaimed satanist has been sentenced for possessing terrorist material and encouraging a young ...
A British neo-Nazi who attempted to murder an asylum seeker and then tried to publish an extreme right-wing manifesto was ...
Callum Ulysses Parslow receives sentence of life imprisonment for trying to ‘exterminate’ Nahom Hagos using a £770 knife ...
Sven Liebich, 53, is currently serving an 18-month sentence in a men’s jail in Saxony in Germany’s east after being convicted ...
A neo-Nazi satanist has been jailed for six years for encouraging girls to kill themselves and self-harm. Cameron Finnigan, ...
Callum Parslow, 32, claimed he launched the attack because he was ‘angry and frustrated’ at small boat crossings.
An East Tennessee man with ties to a neo-Nazi group has been arrested in conjunction with a stunt he pulled Monday evening at ...
Now, in the group’s internal chats on the Telegram messaging app, NewsChannel 5 Investigates has uncovered new videos and ...