Skilled workers have never been more needed in South Australia. There is a call for more educated, trained and skilled people ...
Labor and the Coalition look the other way while the US and Trump is engaged in a petulant meltdown. David Shoebridge calls ...
The think tank Council on Geostrategy claims that British plans to prevent Russian ships from entering the Atlantic need ...
Naval News takes you aboard the FDI Amiral Ronarc'h the next generation frigate of the French Navy (Marine Nationale) ...
The aircraft carrier hatchets have been out again. As we are seeing with tedious regularity these days, someone from the Army ...
Occasionally, the issue of "source codes" comes up again, much like a boomerang. These codes are alleged to be installed in ...
Greece’s major arms procurement plan According to sources involved in drafting the plan, Greece will acquire four new submarines, advanced air, sea, and underwater drones, and a communication ...