Ireland faces significant challenges to make construction more financially and practically viable to build the 52,000 homes ...
Ireland's housing supply is still far behind where it should be and a failure to catch up could have far-reaching ...
Just 39% of the accounts in arrears were held by banks, whereas 61% were held by non-banks entities, Central Bank says ...
Ireland could need to complete around 52,000 new homes each year until 2050 to house the country’s growing population, ...
Housing supply 'unable to meet our country’s needs' and 'limiting the sustainable growth of living standards', report says ...
A former Ulster Bank manager who claimed he was made redundant for making a protected disclosure has been told he has no ...
Ireland's central bank says the housing market is struggling from a decade of under-supply and needs tens of thousands more ...
Rowland is set to apply for one of five full-time board positions on the AMLA, set to open in Frankfurt after Ireland lost ...
The average house price is now €410,000, up almost 10% on a year ago and €45,000 above the Celtic Tiger peak, figures show.
Ireland could need to complete around 52,000 new homes each year until 2050 to house the country’s growing population, ...
Gita Gopinath, IMF First Deputy Managing Director, delivers the Whitaker Lecture at the Central Bank of Ireland, addressing ...
Brendan Flanagan’s claims against Ulster Bank Ireland DAC under the Unfair Dismissals Act, the Protected Disclosures Act and ...