A story of unimaginable horror unfolds as a school bus driver is accused of kidnapping and abusing a girl for over ten years.
A school bus driver was arrested after a student, who he allegedly kidnapped at 7 years old, escaped captivity.
A school bus driver in Colombia allegedly held a girl captive for more than a decade until she recently escaped, prosecutors ...
Prosecutors accuse a school bus driver of kidnapping the girl in 2012, taking her out of school and sexually assaulting her.
The Center for Manufacturing Excellence will move from Golden Gate to Immokalee. Some aren't happy about it, seeing the new location as too remote.
A Colombian school bus driver has been arrested on rape and kidnapping charges after a girl he allegedly snatched over a ...
Stark County's first state football playoff championship stands as a monster moment in Ohio high school history. Year of the ...
A girl who lived as a sexual slavery for 12 years in Colombia has escaped and shocked her.Carlos Umberto Grisales Higuita, a ...
Carlos Humberto Grisales Higuita has now been arrested for allegedly kidnapping and sexually abusing the young woman.
Carlos Humberto Grisales Higuita, a school bus driver in Medellin, Colombia, is accused of kidnapping a girl when she was ...