Did you know smoking and alcohol can make diabetes harder to manage? They increase insulin resistance, raise blood pressure, ...
Many contain familiar low-calorie sugar substitutes like aspartame or sucralose instead of sugar. And as you're reading labels, you also may run across another ingredient: sugar alcohol ...
The WHO recommends five to ten percent daily sugar intake, but global consumption reached 177.33 million metric tonnes in ...
Challenged with going two weeks no-alcohol (‘naked’) and another two low-alcohol (half-naked), Digital Editor Holly ...
Consumption of alcohol mixed with sugary drinks or beer can increase your blood sugar level. Alcohol can also lower blood ...
Note that alcohol can also raise or lower blood sugar levels. On the other hand, combining it with diabetes medications like insulin or sulfonylureas can actually lower your blood sugar too much.
According to gastroenterologist Dr. Saurabh Sethi, tequila is considered the healthiest alcoholic drink due to its low sugar ...
These medications have been associated with a 40 percent reduction in opioid overdose and 50 percent lower rate of alcohol intoxication.
with a gram of alcohol contributing seven calories and a gram of sugar contributing four calories." Using low or no-alcohol drink options to either avoid alcohol or to stay within the recommended ...