A counselor can advise you from a psychological point of view and a doctor from a psychiatric point of view on matters such as anxiety, relationships, and other mental health and wellbeing issues ...
In 400 B.C., the Greek philosopher Hippocrates, known as the father of Western medicine, wrote that good medicines work where we want them to work. Medicines that affect unhealthy cells only have been ...
Tokyo Tech launched a systematic framework for research ethics education in AY 2019. At each School, students will gain necessary knowledge and skills associated with their field of expertise. As they ...
The Student Summer Research Fellowship (ETH SSRF) programme offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to gain their first research experience in an area of their choice. The ...
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Graduate Research Student positions are for individuals wishing to conduct research at one of the Institute’s laboratories under the guidance of a faculty member. Graduate Research Students will not ...
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光と電波の間にある「最後の未踏領域」へ 「光と電波、この二つは一見別の次元のものと思われがちですが、実はどちらも同じ電磁波の一種です。光と電波を区分しているのは周波数です。
In the Architecture and Building Engineering graduate major, students build on their undergraduate training and gain further depth in a chosen field. Areas offered include architectural design, the ...