Exoplanets in binary star systems usually orbit both stars, but astronomers have now spotted three planets orbiting one or ...
Genetic analysis of a bird flu virus detected in a person in Missouri who didn’t previously have contact with animals offers ...
From drunk worms to mammals that breath through their anuses, founder Marc Abrahams on the winners of this year's Ig Nobel ...
As the space industry evolves, we need a new set of international regulations to decide who is responsible for safety, the ...
In the quantum realm, seemingly impossible things are happening every day. Thanks to quantum effects, a particle of light can ...
A new design for a nuclear battery that generates electricity from the radioactive decay of americium is unprecedentedly ...
Simple words like "force" and "particle" can mislead us as to what reality is actually like. Physicist Matt Strassler unpacks ...
Our readers are sure that the best option is to freewheel downhill, rather than waste your energy pedalling – and they have ...
The reign of the dinosaurs lasted around 180 million years. Where, exactly, is 180 million years’ worth of dinosaur poo? The ...
A recent atomic physics workshop was outside my dark matter comfort zone, but learning about science beyond my usual ...
Modern life disrupts the circadian rhythms controlling our biology – increasing our risk of developing conditions ranging ...
Experiments in a state-of-the-art wave tank suggest we have underestimated the potential size and power of rogue waves and ...