Garmin co-founders Gary Burrell and Min Kao were inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame (NAHF) in a ceremony ...
The City of Greeley is setting its sights on transforming the Greeley-Weld County Airport into a commercial facility.
In London, Wing drones will transport blood samples taken from patients awaiting surgery who are at risk of complications due ...
On August 18, 2022, a twin-engine Cessna 340A collided with a Cessna 152 on final approach into Watsonville Municipal Airport ...
The NAFI Summit is scheduled October 15-17 on the campus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Reliable Robotics, a developer of automation systems for remotely piloted flight, will modify Air Force refueling and airlift ...
Amid an ongoing machinist strike, Boeing has notified employees of a hiring freeze and is considering furloughs in the coming ...
The Bureau Enquêtes-Accidents (BEA) report identified the FOD as a Continental Airlines DC-10 thrust reverser door wear strip ...
Cook Airfield once served as a reliever facility for Cessna to tie down planes waiting to be ferried around the nation.
The scholarship provides an opportunity for one Whirly-Girls member to complete an FAA H145 initial training and/or ATP ...
Pilots looking for a high-performance four-place retractable aircraft with unique features, a notable family tree, and looks ...
Budget shortfalls, decaying infrastructure, and overreliance on commercial partners threaten the agency’s ability to lead.