Honourable President, the GNU will ensure that the commitments you made to the nation do not become empty promises, but a lived reality,” Hlabisa stated during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) ...
As South Africa approaches the critical juncture of 2025, the idea of a Government of National Unity (GNU) has evolved from a noble vision to a political quagmire, perpetuating the issues it was ...
The Mexican government announced Tuesday that it ... passed a resolution calling for “national unity” to face Trump’s decrees and defend “Mexican sovereignty.” All other parties voted ...
Ganzt, who leads the center-right National Unity party, proposed a national unity government soon after Hamas militants launched their surprise terrorist incursion from the Gaza Strip on Saturday ...
looks forward to the establishment of a government of national unity, said the party's Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula on Thursday. Mbalula made the remarks on the eve of the first sitting of the ...
Palestinian group Hamas said Tuesday that it discussed with Egyptian officials efforts to form a national unity government in the Gaza Strip. In a statement, Hamas said a group delegation held ...