Of all the Dr. Seuss characters he dreamed up ... The trees, however, are the favorite delicacy of some pesky birds called nizzards. King Birtram's solution is to keep a troop of patrol cats ...
Brady Flamino gave this year’s musical selection some “thinks” before choosing “Seussical the Musical.” Featuring catchy tunes such as “Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!” and “Alone in the Universe” and ...
Asked who his favorite Dr. Seuss character was, 5-year-old Bobby Vink enthusiastically exclaimed “The Cat in the Hat!” during Dr. Seuss Storytime Sunday at the Frederick Urban Air Adventure Park.
Beloved children's book author Theodore Geisel, better known as "Dr. Seuss," was born on ... Jr." The show features some of Seuss' most memorable characters -- including the Cat in the Hat and ...