Martha was then brought back as part of an all-star team of former Doctor Who companions in season four's two part finale, ...
The Doctor Who season 15 trailer brings back Skaro at the height of its power, promising to show the Daleks at their most ... this inhospitable planet is a harsh world on which few can survive.
Big Finish Productions has a brand new audio adventure available to pre-order (prior to its release in May) for those who are fans of the War Doctor. The War Doctor Rises: Fallen Heroes takes the ...
Since the first time-traveling adventure in the TARDIS in 1963, Doctor Who earned its place as one of the all-time greats of ...
If you could only choose one per incarnation, which Doctor Who story would you say sums up the essence of each version of the ...
Russell T Davies and David Tennant tease 'shocking' Doctor Who special 'Wild Blue Yonder' David Tennant returns to the TARDIS in new trailer for upcoming Doctor Who specials Neil Patrick Harris is ...
Following in the footsteps of the Special Weapons Dalek, the Daleks introduced in the Time War were tougher and more tank-like, boasting robust bronze and gold casings with ridges and bolts galore.
In the very first Dalek adventure, one of the Doctor’s companions, Barbara, tried to describe the Daleks’ world and noted, ‘Well, there wasn't any furniture, now I come to think about it ...
DOCTOR Who fans have blasted the price of a mini-Dalek that costs more than £1,600. The 80cm replica will also take three years to painstakingly assemble as it comes in weekly instalments.
Who is a character based on the BBC science-fiction television series Doctor Who. Although based ... Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965), which was based on the televised serial The Daleks (1963) ...
Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper are to be reunited as the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler on a new Big Finish audio drama series.
When the hunt brings the Daleks to the ship, they are already too late to exterminate the Doctor and his companions ... of Agatha Christie baffled the world in 1926 but the episode The Unicorn ...