In the process of reproducing ... We should be taking control of the evolution of those disease organisms, favoring those mild strains and thereby essentially domesticating those disease organisms ...
A key question in disease ecology focuses on the evolution of virulence ... through co-speciation events and genetic arms races. One process that can lead to co-evolutionary change is negative ...
Brain organoids, three-dimensional models of the brain, are a boon to neuroscience, making it possible to study the ...
In the most basic sense, evolution refers to the process of genetic change in a ... whether that is the ability to recover faster from disease, fend off hungry predators or acquire more succulent ...
The flipside of this “rule” is that SAI can also be a key factor to things like disease and aging, so understanding this ...
Organelles in cells were originally often independent cells, which were incorporated by host cells and lost their ...
By combining genomic, molecular and neuroanatomical evidence, these new results support sensory shifts and not just trade-offs during primate evolution ... a complex disease process being studied ...
Dr. Ewald is a professor of biology at Amherst College. His research areas include the evolution of infectious diseases and the coevolution of hummingbirds and flowers.