45 ACP. While the non-optics ... steel at this time. The Colt Optics-Ready Competition 1911 has an MSRP of $1,399 for models of either chambering. Guns are scheduled to be available in April ...
Its .45 ACP pistol cartridge was discharged from an unrifled barrel, thus greatly reducing its intrinsic and practical accuracy alike and being intended for short-range use—ideally, one to four ...
F or those of you who aren’t familiar with the legendary M1911 single-action semiautomatic pistol and its .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) cartridge, it became the U.S. Armed Forces’ standard ...
A pistol fired point blank at the back of his ... the weapon of choice was the Colt .45 Peacemaker, which combined the bullet, gunpowder, and percussion cap in one cartridge and was therefore ...