Two upcoming Space Battleship Yamato models can now be pre-ordered, with one of them being old while the other one is made of gold -- literally.
USA, Oita Prefecture--The last moments of Japan’s mammoth battleship Yamato ... low--and the wide wake behind the ship, it is almost certain that it is the Yamato,” said Yusuke Orita from ...
KURE, Hiroshima Prefecture–The Defense Ministry has proposed building a multifunctional defense complex at a former steel works site here where the massive battleship Yamato was built ...
Needless to say, it's also a very different type of ship to a battleship like Japan's Yamato. Carriers are so ... on home soil/water before this mighty model, and when it decided to do so, it ...
The ship was a technological ... emblematic of not only the end of the battleship but the end of the Japanese empire. For me, telling the story of the Yamato was a private catharsis of sorts.
The Earth Defense Force rebuilds the battleship Yamato with a new type of propulsion system to make the 148,000 light year trip to Iscandar in hopes of saving the Earth. Within one year ...
Yuki Mori-Kodai disappeared in the battle and that legendary space battleship Yamato has been fully rebuilt, Susumu Kodai accepts command of the ship as he intends to not only help humanity once ...