War can be understood as a modern, secular form of human sacrifice and a manifestation of sacrificial logic, particularly when viewed through the lens of ritual, symbolism and communal narratives.
Pieter Lastman’s 1614 painting captures the biblical moment when Abraham leaves everything behind to follow God’s call.
Abraham could have resigned Isaac to God, sacrificing his son for ... and faith opens up the complexity in Abraham’s willing sacrifice of his beloved son. In Kierkegaard’s sense, one must ...
Sign up for Forwarding the News, the Forward’s morning newsletter with all the news and analysis that matters to American Jews each day. The Yale Jewish Lives ...
That’s when God orders him to sacrifice his only son Isaac. Which, interestingly, mirrors God sacrificing Jesus, his only son. But Abraham takes Isaac as he is commanded and right before he ...
Sacrifice 311 (credit ... The narrative rockets us from the seemingly happy ending as Isaac is spared and Abraham passes God’s test to the unexpected tragic death Sarah. In one midrashic ...