The principle behind intermittent fasting, including the 5:2 diet, is based on restoring balance to one's diet. You eat regularly most of the time, but restrict calories other times for better weight ...
E ager to get leaner and healthier but just not up for a diet that completely takes over your life? Good news: "There's an ...
Based on my BMI being overweight, I was recommended to start The Fast 800 programme, but I chose to override this and opted for the 5:2 diet instead. It formulates a plan on a weekly basis ...
The intermittent or 5:2 diet involves having two ‘restricted’ days per week, on which you must limit your calorie intake to 600–800 kcal per day, with virtually no foods or drinks that ...
Eager to get leaner and healthier but just not up for a diet that completely takes over your life? Good news: “There’s an amazing alternative to traditional diets called a ‘5:2’ style of ...