Momentum investing revolves around the idea of following a stock's recent trend in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will be essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even ...
Home goods retailer Williams-Sonoma is preparing for the possibility of new tariffs on products imported into the U.S. from ...
Analysts on Thursday remained wary of Williams-Sonoma’s prospects despite a more bullish reaction by investors to the ...
WSM stock has comfortably outperformed the S&P 500 index, which in itself has rallied strongly following the Trump election.
Even as revenue has declined this year, the retailer has grown its bottom line by making improvements in the business and the ...
It’s finally Cyber Monday, meaning that while Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and your long, relaxing weekend are over, your ...
In a Wednesday interview with CNBC’s Jim Cramer, Williams-Sonoma CEO Laura Alber explained why her company’s pricing strategy ...
UPS and Williams Sonoma have developed a more than 20-year partnership to bring families all across the U.S. turkeys for ...
Williams-Sonoma's stock surged due to strong Q3 earnings, impressive margins, and better-than-expected guidance. Click here ...
Williams-Sonoma WSM-1.50%decrease; red down pointing triangle posted higher-than-expected quarterly earnings and boosted its outlook for the year ahead of the critical holiday shopping season ...